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Third Grade

The third grade team is thrilled to start the new school year! These third graders have come with so many strengths, from their hard work and creativity to their excitement for learning - we are going to do a lot of growing this year. We appreciate all of you and your willingness to partner with us in making sure your students get the most out of school. Our goal is to foster critical thinkers as these students mature and begin their new journey in reading to learn. We will challenge them and ask them to consider new ideas and strategies in all aspects of the classroom.

Not only is academic growth our priority, but we also value personal growth. Third grade is an age where it feels more exciting to take risks and try new things, and we are here to support them and make sure they continue to gain the social emotional tools they need in order to make that personal growth. We believe that relationships are key in helping students be successful.

We love creating a positive environment for your child to learn and grow. We are committed to a fun, safe, and inclusive learning environment for all of our students. Every student has the potential to succeed and as educators, it’s our job to help your child reach their full potential.

Third Grade Teachers

MyAccount Dashboard

Teacher's digital classrooms are available in Schoology or SeeSaw. To access, visit your child's MyAccount Dashboard.  

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Meet Our Teachers

Darian Martinez

Teacher-Third Grade

April Najera

Teacher-Third Grade
